Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apixaban Beat Warfarin Regardless of Warfarin-Treatment Quality

"Apixaban treatment produced better outcomes in atrial fibrillation patients compared with warfarin in the ARISTOTLE trial, regardless of the quality of warfarin treatment the comparator patients received, raising the possibility that all atrial fibrillation patients might benefit by switching from warfarin to apixaban.

"The benefits of apixaban over warfarin in preventing stroke, reducing bleeding, and improving survival appear consistent regardless of a center’s quality of INR [international normalized ratio] control. Therefore, in patients with atrial fibrillation, apixaban is a safer and more effective treatment than warfarin across a wide range of warfarin management," Dr. Lars Wallentin said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Assessment of apixaban’s efficacy and safety relative to warfarin across the range of warfarin care that was delivered was one of the trial’s prespecified analyses."

Read full report here (from Family Practice News)

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